I believed that we ached to do the right thing. Manifest Destiny, worshipping national heroes, with on top their all powerful whopper, Rising health care, Interest rates, housing costs. Did he know this great nation would be Christian from its beginning? Of course he did. Ten years you spent here, and ten more years will follow – Powerful army and a wine drinking and fattening population a Powerful army and Coca Cola drinking fattening population China revalues Yuan, Chinese economy booms, I believed that we ached to do the right thing. Alexander the Great, Malcolm X, Bush, Puff Daddy, Manifest Destiny, I believed that most of us were outraged, that we wanted to get past the nightly barrage of random violence. Chase, Goldman Sachs, Hard borders between free men and slaves, Trust in individuality, Chinese economy booms, as they secure energy reserves We have lost our true identity, our heritage, our roots, Manifest Destiny, How long has it been since they shot Liberty Valiance? Morgan Stanley, JP Mogan, poverty smoothened by amphitheaters and gladiators, workers kept satisfied with ovals, stadiums, drivers and athletes. I believed that we ached to do the right thing. Colonial wars, Chile, Vietnam, Scandals, Scandals, Corruption, Corruption, Did he know this great nation would be Christian from its beginning? Of course he did!— find what we could really do to change what was happening, Continue to fight terrorism Government and consumer debt increases. It's time our people awakened from their sleep and learn not only their true history, but also their destiny that is unfolding, even now, according to God's Divine plan. British Petrolum, Chevron, Citgo, and… Last night I dreamed I was a hillbilly in heaven.
Maybe I should just go back to bed like I know how.