Monday, March 26, 2012
Rules of Engagement
Do not wear a belt - it is very difficult to lift pants off the floor let alone put them on without making noise.
Do not leave panties, leggings, or jeans on the floor when there is a dog present. (This will not be the dingos first panty snack, nor his last.)
Do not attempt to ride a skateboard in order to get there faster, does not make for a quiet ride of shame.
Bring a condom, men never provide. (recommend stocking your own "dirty whore kit" in a small bag that can be stuffed in purse - condoms, wet nap, lysterine strips, baby wipes, fresh pair of panties.)
Expect texts between 1am and 3am. This is primetime, so if already engaged, make sure to turn phone off.
If any feelings towards the other individual begin to develop, DELETE!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Dear Mrs. Chadsey
I am writing to share some great news about God's kingdom. I have learned I have learned from my study of the bible that Jehovah God set up a kingdom in heaven ruled by his son Jesus Christ will soon destroy all wicked people off the earth. The ones remaining will be the people obeying jehovah's commands now (ps. 37:10:11). They will have the privilege of seeing th earth returned to a paradise like the original garden of eden where all of our needs will be met, no more sickness or death. (Rev 21:4). I you would like to learn what the bible really teach, please contact me at the address above or call me at 7180 599-7956 on Friday mining 10:00 am until noon. All services are free, I hope to hear from you soon,
Thanks for considering this information.
Sincerely, Eartha I.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
will this last?
My mother’s house, with fake wood paneling. An old thin futon mattress on the floor. The scratching of rodents behind the unfinished constellations on the ceiling. Baked mouse turds and piss still warm in the oven long after the diner was served. The old possum scratching under the house. The white noise of the fan to drown out the paranoia and the poltergeist of memory.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Paul Thek's teaching notes: assignments
Redesign a rainbow.
Make a French-curve rainbow.
Design a labyrinth dedicated to Freud, using his photo and his writings.
Design a Torah.
Design a monstrance.
Illustrate the Godhead.
Add a station of the cross.
Design an abstract monument to Uncle Tom.
Make a paperdoll of yourself.
Make a spaceship out of a cereal box.
Make a paper chain out of a book.
Redesign the human genitals so that they may be more equitable.
Design a feminist crucifixion scene.
Design something to sell on the street corner.
Design something to sell to the government.
Design something to put on an altar.
Design something to put over a child’s bed.
Design something to put over your bed when you make love.
Make a monkey out of clay.
Design a flying saucer as if it were The Ark.
Make a large folded-paper airplane, paint on it a slogan which you think will revolutionize your life.
Make an icon out of popcorn.
Pain a balloon gold, paint a balloon silver.
Make a necklace out of coal.
Paint a series of playing balls like planets, be accurate.
Design a black mass out of any materials you can find.
Design a work of art that fits in a matchbox, a shoebox.
Design a new clock face.
Make a skyscraper out of inappropriate materials.
Make a prisoner’s pillbox hat.
Make scatological object, or use scatological words.
Illustrate your strangeness, act out your most frightening perversity.
Design a box within a box to illustrate selfishness.
Design a throne.
Make a piece of curative art.
Make a piece of psychological art.
Make a design of your favorite literary person. Event. History. Project for Ellis Island.
Make a structure out of photos of primitive people.
Make a structure illustrating anything from the book of proverbs.
Can you construct a functioning lamp that illustrates the concept of freedom?
Can you construct a functioning ashtray that illustrates the passage of time?
Paul Thek's teaching notes: questions
Place of birth
Position in family
Career plans
Parents’ education
Parents’ birthplace
Parents’ religion
Where do you live now? With whom? For how long?
What income do you have? From what source?
What property do you own?
What are your requirements in a friend? Lover? Mate?
What do you read? How often?
Do you buy books? Records?
What is your favorite color?
What are your politics?
Have you ever been seriously ill? Serious accidents?
What do you do on a date?
What is the purpose of dating?
Do you believe in premarital sex?
What happens after death?
Tell us about other members of your family.
Tell us about a close friend.
Tell us about someone who inspires you.
Tell us about the most exciting thing you ever saw, did.
How many rooms are there in your home?
How many floors? What floor do you live on?
Do you have your own room? Do you share it? With whom?
What does your room look like?
On what do you sleep? In what? In what position?
Do you take baths or showers? Do you use perfumes or deodorants?
What style or look do you prefer?
Are you interested in sports? Which? How often?
Do you believe in abortion? Do your parents?
What is your worst physical feature? Your best?
What is the main source of difficulty between you and your parents? Teachers? Friends?
What annoys you the most in others?
What kind of teacher do you prefer?
If you were a teacher what would you propose?
How would you grade your students?
What is eternity? What is love? What is art?
What is a symbol? What is religion? What is psychology?
Who are your role models?
Who is the person closest to you at the moment?
Who is the person physically closest to you at the moment?
What in your life is your greatest source of pleasure?
How do you know you love someone?
How do you know that someone is interested in you?
How do you know that you are happy, sad, nervous, bored?
What does this school need? This room? You? This city? This country?
What is abstraction?
What is a mystery religion?
What would it be like if you behaved with absolute power?
What is a good temple? A bad temple?
Who is your favorite character in the Bible?
Who is your favorite character in Gone With the Wind?
Why does an icon have to be human?
What is sacred? Profane?
What is the most beautiful thing in the world?
What is theology? What is secular?
Explain the Zen doctrine in your own words. What does it mean?
What does it mean “In the beginning was the Word”?
What is the difference between philosophy and theology?
What is liberation theology?
What is mysticism?
What does ‘spiritual’ mean to you?
What is the most difficult thing in life for you?
Can art be helpful in dealing with this difficulty? In what way?
What is ‘service’?
What is the purpose of society? Of government?
What is the surest way to happiness?
What is attractive in a woman? A man?
What are the qualities of physique most attractive?
What are the personality problems of being an artist?
What is it like to be an American in the 20th century?
Who is Roosevelt?
What languages do you speak? Spoken at home?
What religious articles do you have in your home?
Why are you here?
What do you think has been the greatest hurt, mental and physical, that you have suffered?
What do you think are the qualities of a life fully lived?
What is greed?
What is verbal knowledge?
What does tactile mean? Can you show me an example of tactile sensitivity in your personal life?
What do you do to make yourself more attractive sexually? Why do you do this?
Do you really like very beautiful people? Do they really have special privileges?
What is polygamy? Explain its function in the society?
What do you think of money? Make a structure to me explaining your concept of money, or out of money.
Should art be useful? Useless?
What is capitalism? Communism? Socialism?
What is leisure?
What is waste?
How can we humanize the city?
Place of birth
Position in family
Career plans
Parents’ education
Parents’ birthplace
Parents’ religion
Where do you live now? With whom? For how long?
What income do you have? From what source?
What property do you own?
What are your requirements in a friend? Lover? Mate?
What do you read? How often?
Do you buy books? Records?
What is your favorite color?
What are your politics?
Have you ever been seriously ill? Serious accidents?
What do you do on a date?
What is the purpose of dating?
Do you believe in premarital sex?
What happens after death?
Tell us about other members of your family.
Tell us about a close friend.
Tell us about someone who inspires you.
Tell us about the most exciting thing you ever saw, did.
How many rooms are there in your home?
How many floors? What floor do you live on?
Do you have your own room? Do you share it? With whom?
What does your room look like?
On what do you sleep? In what? In what position?
Do you take baths or showers? Do you use perfumes or deodorants?
What style or look do you prefer?
Are you interested in sports? Which? How often?
Do you believe in abortion? Do your parents?
What is your worst physical feature? Your best?
What is the main source of difficulty between you and your parents? Teachers? Friends?
What annoys you the most in others?
What kind of teacher do you prefer?
If you were a teacher what would you propose?
How would you grade your students?
What is eternity? What is love? What is art?
What is a symbol? What is religion? What is psychology?
Who are your role models?
Who is the person closest to you at the moment?
Who is the person physically closest to you at the moment?
What in your life is your greatest source of pleasure?
How do you know you love someone?
How do you know that someone is interested in you?
How do you know that you are happy, sad, nervous, bored?
What does this school need? This room? You? This city? This country?
What is abstraction?
What is a mystery religion?
What would it be like if you behaved with absolute power?
What is a good temple? A bad temple?
Who is your favorite character in the Bible?
Who is your favorite character in Gone With the Wind?
Why does an icon have to be human?
What is sacred? Profane?
What is the most beautiful thing in the world?
What is theology? What is secular?
Explain the Zen doctrine in your own words. What does it mean?
What does it mean “In the beginning was the Word”?
What is the difference between philosophy and theology?
What is liberation theology?
What is mysticism?
What does ‘spiritual’ mean to you?
What is the most difficult thing in life for you?
Can art be helpful in dealing with this difficulty? In what way?
What is ‘service’?
What is the purpose of society? Of government?
What is the surest way to happiness?
What is attractive in a woman? A man?
What are the qualities of physique most attractive?
What are the personality problems of being an artist?
What is it like to be an American in the 20th century?
Who is Roosevelt?
What languages do you speak? Spoken at home?
What religious articles do you have in your home?
Why are you here?
What do you think has been the greatest hurt, mental and physical, that you have suffered?
What do you think are the qualities of a life fully lived?
What is greed?
What is verbal knowledge?
What does tactile mean? Can you show me an example of tactile sensitivity in your personal life?
What do you do to make yourself more attractive sexually? Why do you do this?
Do you really like very beautiful people? Do they really have special privileges?
What is polygamy? Explain its function in the society?
What do you think of money? Make a structure to me explaining your concept of money, or out of money.
Should art be useful? Useless?
What is capitalism? Communism? Socialism?
What is leisure?
What is waste?
How can we humanize the city?
Friday, March 9, 2012
ready, set, go
here i am again on the bed staring at the wall should get up and get a book. nah too much distance. eh another night eh who cares. I love to just sit and stare, stare and sit, makes me feel productive yeah. light strong light here. maybe i need a drink eh. what did he mean when he said well when he said that ugh shit.
to numb oneself
one thing one if I could remember. Something. White. Frustration. Running. The train. I was missing it. Running through layered hallways and doors that lead me in the wrong direction. There was something else. On the tip of my mind. Why didn’t I write it down. Does it matter really. Had something to do with him. Running in front, leaping two steps at time. Lips, teeth, chest, tongue. That was here, and here, and there.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
"So yeah I was driving down the road, I guess I was like 15 years old, cause in Hawaii you can drive at 15, and um it was like a bypass where they were doing construction the road but it was really curvy and I didn’t know what to do if I fishtailed…it was raining really hard and there was cane fields its what’s all around that area and I guess um I thought it was a cat but it was a ferret apparently that ran out in front of the car and I… and I did what your not supposed to do. I should have run the fucker over but I slammed on the brakes instead. I didn’t slam on the breaks I put the brakes on but I had bad tires. It was an old car, it was like a 76 Plymouth flore… totally steal a car. That’s what saved me. And um so then the backend slid out to the left so shwooo slides out to the left and what you should do I guess when it fishtales is what my brothers taught me later is to pull the wheel to the left as well which when your ass is sliding out to the left all you really want to do is go back to the right so you kinda pull the wheel to the right or that’s what I did which turned me into a spin and then I went 360 into one of those cement barriers on side and crushed the front of the car and the tire popped of course my glasses flew off of my face I remember that . Anyway um after that my brothers taught me what to do when you fishtale which is to go the same way that your ass is going well you know when it you know like with the steering wheel like if the back of the car is going to the left you have to pull the wheel to as if you are the left so that it kind of evens out you know and you slid sideways as opposed to you sliding the backend out to the left and you pulling the car to the right cause that where you want to go back to but that kind of continues the motion circular motion and that’s what makes you spin out. You know you can do it on purpose. Like my brothers can do it on purpose. You know, they do it. They do it, but it’s not safe."
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Tuck the tail bone
loosen the neck
And up
Here we go
Up and down up and down up and down up and down
Right here
Big curl
And again one more and turn that weight
bringing it up on the sides
Up up up up
Curl don’t swing
Curl and again
Oh now one of each
curl and down curl and down
And curl up curl up
Here is the front
And take that weight overhead
Press it up and down
Elbows close to the body
Close to the ears
Tuck that chin
Pressing up and down
Really extend
And again
Good job
Press release press release press release
Good job
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